AFLPA still unconvinced by quarantine hubs

AFL Players Association chief Paul Marsh still has serious reservations about the AFL’s proposed quarantine hubs with key questions remaining answered.

The hub plan, which would have teams separated into three groups and isolated in different states to limit their exposure to COVID-19, is one of the scenarios the league is considering to restart the suspended season.

The concept has sparked much debate with senior coaches largely embracing the idea while AFLPA president Patrick Dangerfield has voiced his concerns.

GWS chairman Tony Shepherd has labelled hubs as potential cruise ships in the making and while Marsh is yet to see a firm hub proposal from the AFL he shares Shepherd’s concerns.

“Having a whole lot of people together there is obviously risk of if someone gets it they all get it,” Marsh told SEN SA on Thursday.

“So how can we be certain that anyone that is interacting with players within the hubs, how can we be certain that no one in there has got it and is therefore passing it on?

“Then you start to see where potential interaction might come from whether that be bus drivers or people serving food or media covering it … all of that stuff needs to be thought through.

“And I’m sure the AFL will be thinking through all of this and we’ll get a proposal that deals with it.”

Marsh said, that in initial discussions with the league about hubs, he had pushed for players to be given the option of taking their families with them into isolation.

Regardless of the issues that need to be overcome, Marsh said the players remain intent on doing everything they can to bring the season out of the financially-crippling shutdown.

That includes playing a compressed 17-round season, with shorter breaks between games, that could end with a grand final played as late as December.

The AFL campaign was paused until at least May 31 as the coronavirus outbreak worsened during round one.

The league hopes to have a return-to-play plan ready to put to clubs by the end of April, with growing confidence in the industry that games might resume in July.

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