Giants defend Cameron from AFL ‘nonsense’

Fresh from tying his future to GWS for the next seven years, Stephen Coniglio has thrown his support behind the under-fire Giants coach.

Leon Cameron is perceived to be under the pump to keep his job with a year to run on his contract despite leading his injury-ravaged side to a fourth-straight AFL finals appearance.

Swept up in a rumour-mill circus of his own this season, Coniglio isn’t surprised by the chatter surrounding Cameron ahead of next weekend’s elimination final against the Western Bulldogs.

But the star midfielder insists the outside noise will die down as he and other injured Giants return to health.

“There’s always speculation,” Coniglio said on Wednesday.

“We’ve had some very dismal performances over the last couple of years that have not helped him out one bit.

“Once we get the players back on the park there won’t be any more speculation around Leon.”

Fired-up GWS chief executive Dave Matthews also came out swinging in defence of Cameron, denying claims AFL House is pulling strings behind the scenes.

“It’s complete nonsense,” Matthews told RSN radio.

“It’s no matter for the AFL to involve themselves in at all. They don’t run our club.

“He’s got our support, there’s no doubt about that.”

Outside Coniglio’s parents, Cameron was the first person the vice-captain and foundation player told about his long-awaited contract call on Tuesday.

It drew an expletive-laden response from an ecstatic Cameron.

“I won’t swear now, but he was chuffed,” Coniglio joked.

“For my footy and for me as a person, he’s been fantastic.”

Coniglio, who was linked to Hawthorn, Carlton and West Coast, was flattered by several “attractive” big-money offers that came his way.

But the 133-game midfielder insists the decision to stay, rather than return home to Perth or explore Melbourne’s footy bubble, was deeper than dollar signs.

“I haven’t ever seen those figures or believed I’d be worth something like that,” Coniglio said.

“But, for me, I placed most importance on … continuing to grow my legacy and the legacy of this football club.”

Now in it for the long haul, Coniglio boldly declared his ambition to take over from Callan Ward and Phil Davis as club captain one day.

He’ll first have to return from a knee injury to continue to push his case, but admits he’s “unlikely” to be fit for their finals opener.

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