Two sin-binned in 20 seconds at SCG

Nelson Asofa-Solomona and Sio Siua Taukeiaho have become the fastest players sin-binned this year, lasting just 20 seconds in Saturday night’s NRL preliminary final.

In a dramatic opening to the grand final rematch between the Sydney Roosters and Melbourne, the two props clashed after the first hit-up and were ordered off for striking.

Storm forward Asofa-Solomona twice struck his opposite number in the face with an open hand at the SCG.

Taukeiaho retaliated as he shaped to throw a punch and, while he did not connect, he too was binned.

Neither side was able to capitalise on the 12-man game, with an ensuing Roosters’ penalty goal from the incident the only points scored in the 10 minutes they were off.

It came after four players were sent to the sin-bin in last week’s two semi-finals, including Melbourne captain Cameron Smith and South Sydney five-eighth Cody Walker for slapping.

Those decisions had attracted criticism, but the NRL was adamant during the week that the rules would not be changed for finals matches.

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