Nick Kyrgios leading by example – for now

Team player. Motivator. Inspiration.

They’re words not usually associated with Nick Kyrgios and the jury is very much out on whether they’ll stick long-term, but for the last week Australia’s tennis bad boy has made good.

Three from three in his singles at the ATP Cup, he was called upon to team up with Alex de Minaur in the deciding doubles clash with Great Britain.

For Kyrgios the task became obvious as the match got tighter.

“I played some epic matches in my career, so I know that the more level-headed you are in those moments you can think clearly,” said Kyrgios who is serving a 16 week suspended sentence for not so level-headed behaviour on tour.

“We were down match point, and (de Minaur) was pretty angry and I just said, ‘Man, you’re fine. And then he hit a backhand line winner. And I was, like: ‘See’?”

Admitting to being flat during the deciding rubber, Australian No.1 de Minaur said Kyrgios “carried” him during the match before literally doing so after a tense win where they saved four match points.

“I had a match that didn’t go my way, but still, I couldn’t have had a more supportive person after the match and even on the doubles court,” said de Minaur who had never paired with Kyrgios before in tournament play.

“So it was great to be on the same side of the court as Nick, and hopefully there is plenty of more times.

“It’s just amazing to see what Nick just brings day after day.”

Whether the new Zen Kyrgios sticks around remains to be seen but for the time being he’s clearly enjoying what team tennis brings.

“It was awesome. It was honestly – probably … one of the best moments in my career, definitely. Just making it through to the semi-final, the first-ever ATP Cup in that type of fashion, was pretty special,” he said.

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